私は美しいおとぎ話を愛する。 それを愛しないもか。


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Monday, May 09, 2005

Sea Carnival (heats)

finally had the dragonboat heats today...
it was quite enjoyable i guess.
although we weren't exactly super co-ordinated as a team, i believe that we had did our best and since this is what we achieved together, it's still superb though we came in third. :)
oh! and we had our 2.4km test today! argh.
wasn't mentally nor physically prepared at all la. boo.
but it's alright i guess cuz all i aim is to get exempted from the single PE period on mondays. HAH.
anyways, i felt a little happier right now.
we sms-ed from about 5+pm as soon as i reached home from the heats all the way till 8+pm. heh.
i guess everything's my fault.
not him.
if only i was more understanding.
if only i had treated him better.
if only i hadn't taken him for granted.
hehs. anyways, all these "if onlys" are of no use already and all i hope is to get an answer from myself on May 27th and i shall see how things go i guess. :)
he does not have as much faith as he used to have in me in the past already.
i guess i made him feel insecure and unsure, thats why.
but i told him i'm gonna make him regain the faith he has in me no matter what happens. and i really hope that'll happen...
got no idea how am i gonna go about doing it. but, i'm sure i can do it. :)
i want my bed! really drained out...

| Jasmin posted at 10:03 PM |


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