私は美しいおとぎ話を愛する。 それを愛しないもか。


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Sunday, June 18, 2006

conflicted emotions.

i don't like squares.
neither do i adore triangles.



is this a trial from God that we must pass?
(sounds so cliche.)
or is this just another transition period.

i don't like you being so rational.
but, it pleases me when you still do follow your heart in the end.

i don't like the feeling of dangling in the air.
i want you to hold on to me.
and never let me go.

it scares me to know how much i'm actually afraid of losing you.

your words make me confused at times.
your actions contradict your words most of the time.

right now, i only pray for you and me to be happy.

| Jasmin posted at 6:37 PM |


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