私は美しいおとぎ話を愛する。 それを愛しないもか。


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Friday, November 19, 2004


didn't blog for a few days.
i did not disappear into thin air.
i was just busy queuing up overnight at Creative Resource for its annual Creative Festival sale.
i went with 4 guys from my class. (and zx is one of them =p)
they were really nice, didn't bully me at all. lols.
and i spent one whole night learning how to play the game "bridge" from them.
we made quite a number of friends during that trip and they were all really nice!
we thought we were early already cuz we reached there at 3+ pm on 18th Nov. when the actual sale is on 19th and we were there all for the 5.0 G Muvo2 Fm.
but i guessed there'll always be others who are much earlier.
never mind about this already.
oh yah. and there was this guy from tpjc as well (volleyball captain named Eighten [think it's spelt this way.] cool name eh?) who helped me sell the coupon for the 512Mb mp3 player for 35 dollars i got as the 5.0 G mp3 was already all snapped up and i didn't wanna get that mp3 player.
i bought a bundle from there and i'm really pleased with it! *grins*
it consists of:
- 1.5G muvo2
- a white headphone i've always wanted to buy!
- a 64MB nomad muvo mp3 player
- an arm band for the 64MB mp3 player
cool eh? hmm. now that i know how everything works at their annual sale, how purchases of star buys are being carried out, maybe i'd have a go at it again next year!
it wasn't what i expected at all.
we didn't have to queue up under the hot sun or whatever and there were many toilets available everywhere as we were all queuing up in the Creative Resource building itself.
so, this means that i didn't have to worry about having to go to a toilet in the middle of the night.
anyways, all in all, i'm quite pleased with everything! =p
lalala. really happy today!
although i did not sleep much at all, i still think it's quite worth it.
and i'm working tomorrow so i shouldn't be here any longer!!
and if yuting is reading this, take care whilst you're in taiwan k.
18 days is really long. sleep well and eat well. and have fun! *hugs*
take care girl. ciao!

| Jasmin posted at 11:53 PM |


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