私は美しいおとぎ話を愛する。 それを愛しないもか。


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Thursday, April 14, 2005


i miss him.
i miss him.
i miss him.

i really do miss him.

i'm acting up again.

i'm not supposed to be missing him.

but we kept exchanging glances during Econs lecture today. =(

since you claimed that you've forgotten everything, then STOP PEEPING AT ME!
since you claimed that you don't wanna care about me anymore cuz you're fed up at everything about me, throw everything away. memories especially.
delete all the messages.
change your passwords.
and STOP STOP STOP!!!! looking at meeeeeee. =(
if i wasn't looking at you, i won't know that you're looking at me. =(
yea. i just can't control myself.

| Jasmin posted at 9:19 PM |


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