私は美しいおとぎ話を愛する。 それを愛しないもか。


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Sunday, November 27, 2005

i love TAO ZHE.

i told myself i gotta blog this no matter how tired i am today.
i went for Tao Zhe's concert yesterday with Est n pH. :)
it was simply FABULOUS i tell you.
the music was great. the band was nice. and obviously, tao zhe rocked.
every note he sang was of a perfect note and we regretted not paying $30 more for the most expensive $168 tickets!
if we had bought the $168 tickets, we could have TOUCHED him. lol

anyways. it was a concert that had blown me off totally.
it was better than what i had expected it to be.
and the amount of songs he sang sums up to twenty or even more.
it was worth every cent.
the next time he drops by, i'll definitely go watch him again!

right now, i'll probably go ga ga over him for a long long time.
never been so crazy before. hahaha.

| Jasmin posted at 9:40 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, November 20, 2005


my legs are aching.
aching for almost four consecutive days.
they are giving way soon.
now. i finally understand the true meaning of shopping till one drops.

| Jasmin posted at 10:37 PM | 0 comments

Wednesday, November 16, 2005



but i'm not exactly in the happiest mood to do crazy things.
i've got alot going through my mind.

i'm freaking scared that i won't do well for physics.
i didn't feel a sense of security after i finished paper three today.

but i'm only gonna allow myself to dwell for this TODAY.
cuz i'm gonna enjoy the aftermath of 'A's after i had studied so long.
it's time to give myself a break.

for those friends who are not done with their exams, go on and push yourself to the limits. :)

for those who has finished, it's PARTY TIME. :)

| Jasmin posted at 6:50 PM | 1 comments